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[Page 9]

blinding snow! My first winter in this part of the world has been "some winter", but I don't feel the cold badly at all and it doesn't do me the slightest harm. In fact I seem to be thriving on it – I weighed myself to day & was horrified to find I am 10 stone 9½ lbs!!! Even allowing for heavy winter clothes and top boots it is the limit.

By Jove, I am glad I got that transfer home when I did. You would have been worried about me with all the terrific fighting there has been in the air just lately. Our losses have been very severe indeed but I believe we still have the Huns beaten. Undoubtedly they are making an enormous effort & have succeeded more than they should have for a time. But I have no doubt that we are already reasserting our old superiority.

The great offensive has started in real earnest now. I have been waiting for it every day. The first days work has been an unparrallelled success! Nine thousand prisoners in one day! The capture of the Vimy Ridge is wonderful. It is an exceptionally strong position. I know the country from having flown across the lines there on Bombing raids. Honestly & truly I am full of hope that the war will end this year. It can't last much longer


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