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also some more snapshots of darling little Peter. He is a wonderful little chap and I can well imagine what a joy and consolation he is to you. I am sure you will miss him & Eileen now that they are at Collaroy for a while.

I feel very fit and much better for my little holiday and am now going to start really seriously. I am agreably surprised at the great change I have already effected in the flight as far as the machines are concerned. While I was away the men have worked hard and the machines are looking well cared for and smart already. The change is really very marked. As for the institutional reforms I have greater difficulties ahead. 

I can see clearly that I will get no encouragement from any quarter for doing things with the same care as I did at Oxford, as there seems to be only one thing required and that is that each pupil is pushed through RE8s as quickly as possible so long as he does'nt crash. So my efforts to produce really sound and finished RE8 pilots will not be appreciated. However I will try and do the very best I can as I know that better preliminary training on REs will result in better results on the Bristols. But of course the RE is not the machine here and consequently I expect little encouragement. However there is something fascinating about an uphill fight and anything in the way of opposition or even passive discouragement


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