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After breakfast I dashed off all over the place to do dozens of things that I had to do while I was in London. I went to the Bank & left a small tin case I had bought for some of my private possessions such as Roger's diary etc, and my photo albums, maps and various other little things that I do not want to lose. As I am liable to be moved about there would always be a risk of their being taken by someone so I thought it best to deposit them in the Bank. I have put the original of the letter I had from Wilkinson about darling old Roger with them. I have sent you a copy & will keep the original for fear of its being lost. If you want it sent out I will do so but otherwise I will keep it.

I asked Scrivener for the name of an a Notary so that he could fix up that Power of Attorney. After much fussing about in the funniest old office you ever dreamt of I got it duly stamped etc and am sending it to you.

After that I did dozens of odd jobs round the town and managed to go to Confession at Corpus Christi Church in Maiden Lane, where I arranged for more masses to be offered for darling old Roger & Brendan.

Eventually I missed the 3.15 train & caught one at 6 pm that landed me here about 9.30.

On my arrival I found your cable waiting for me and


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