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Cranbrook Cottage
Double Bay, Edgecliff

2nd December 7

My dear Geoffrey

We were so glad to get your cablegram of the 29th November from Beaulieu saying you had got our letters to 16th October, & that you had got no news of going overseas. This, I take it, was in answer to what we said in our letters. Bryan also cabled in reply to our congratulations on his step to Captain, & said all were well.

Tonight Peter got a small cold or something, & we were all rushing about with hot water bags, & other things till Charlie Maher, who was sent for, arrived. When he examined the precious infant all over, & said there was nothing serious the matter, I have been able to get back to letter-writing for a mail which goes, via America, tomorrow. We hardly ever know now what mail it is. It may be via Vancouver, & in fact it probably is. 

Prior to my scare about Peter I was endeavouring to collect my wits & make notes for three conscription speeches I have to make tomorrow (Monday) night. It is a fairly large order but I suppose it is only the beginning of a very strenuous time until the 20th December comes. I am to begin at Mosman Town Hall, & speak for about half an hour. Then I am to be whisked in a motor car to Crow's Nest, & afterwards to some other place, & then they graciously say I can go home. I suppose that after tomorrow I shall be


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