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efficient as possible. Tomorrow I hope to start a regular organised method for my instructors to follow so that we will get the maximum of useful work with the minimum of working time. Of course I know it will be hard to get it working properly but once it is going well every instructor will know exactly where he stands and I will know where every pupil stands. I have devised a system of recording every pupils progress by means of a typewritten sheet and a small chart for every pupil which each instructor keeps. By means of these both instructors & I can see at a glance how every pupil is progressing. Of course my path is strewn with obstacles and my work of reorganisation is constantly held up by some new skeleton emerging suddenly from the squadron cupboard in the form of some important letter neglected for weeks! Still I have made up my mind that if I get a fair run this squadron will be a model of efficient instruction and I'm going to make it that or blow up in the effort! It is a case of planning things at night before going to bed and working at them next day & strange to say I seem to get fresh ideas every


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