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Of course there must be much terrible fighting ahead but still the end does seem to be in sight now, for the Huns have made their great effort and though they so nearly succeeded at one time they are now where they started from nearly all along the line. Please God it will not last much longer and soon we shall be thinking of our return home.

I have met a very nice Australian lady here – a Mrs Bruce Lockhart. She was a Miss Turner & came from Queensland. Her husband is a British diplomatic agent in Moscow and she has'nt heard any news of him for some time so she is having an anxious time. Some time ago he was arrested by the Bolsheviks but was released. There are few people these days who have not some awful anxiety. 

I have got your dear letters up to Mothers No 33 which came a few days ago. The mails are awfully irregular nowadays, I am so sorry to hear about George 


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