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So in spite of our own bad luck the squadron had a record day on Friday. We did another patrol in the afternoon but there was no fighting. I had to take another chap's machine for this & the gun wouldn't fire so I came home. Our losses were light when you consider the fighting but still losses are always sad. One observer was shot & killed & there is a machine missing. The C.O. told me that the Colonel was very pleased with the days work & said that I had had very bad luck.

I tested my old machine this morning & it as good as ever. I have also solved the gun trouble & pity the next Hun I get a good shot at for it is firing wonderfully.

I am quite well & cheery and not the least rattled by the rather trying few minutes we had with those triplanes. Old Claye is splendid & I have great confidence in him. This is a funny sort of life, is'nt it? But it is very very interesting and so long as one is careful it is a spendid one. It had

It has been very "dud" yesterday & today but the weather is getting warm & spring is really here now. It is simply great to see the trees all green again and it makes one feel so bright & generally pleased with life.


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