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will be an entirely thankless job if I pull it off, for I am under the eye of the Colonel I had in France, who is most friendly, and I also have a friend at court in Minchin. 

Just before I came down here Minchin asked me if I was off to Gosport and I said I was & felt very lucky to get to a Gosport course so soon when there were others who had been waiting weeks for a vacancy. He said "The Colonel has something in view for you, but I dont know what it is." I'm not building up my hopes on early promotion or anything but I'm just going to work with all my might and try & do my job really well without chaseing after favours.

Good bye for the present my own darling Mummy & Daddy. God ever bless you. Tons of love to you Eileen Peter & everyone.

Your loving


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