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to try his hardest to get me transferred to his new squadron as we have worked awfully well together. I don't know what the prospects are but I hope it can be worked. It makes such a difference having a C.O. who absolutely trusts you to do the work and never fusses you about trifles.

We have had a simply splendid months work and have produced nearly double the number of pilots required from us. Segrave is awfully bucked about it. He told me the other day that he had remarked to the Colonel on the very small number of machines that had been damaged since I had come here. He told me that before I came there used to be an awful lot of smashes and for a time there was quite an epidemic of fatal accidents.

I have just heard from Aunty Mary that they are all in London except Maurice who is being transferred next week. I have applied for 48 hours leave from next Wednesday. I hope to be able to add a bit to this by being inoculated on Monday which gives me 48 hours off duty. So with luck – and if my new C.O. is a sport – I should have Tuesday Wednesday Thursday & Friday in town. I have squared the doctor to inoculate me when convenient for my leave so the cunning plot is laid!

I have had as cheery a time as ever here since my last letter. I spent the last week-end



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