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The total casualties reported up to 31st October last were,

Deaths from wounds or disease – 34,731
Prisoners & missing – 4,502
Wounded – 93,325.

As many wounded men have afterwards returned to their units, these figures cannot be grouped with those given before. These figures have been scattered broadcast through the newspapers from official channels, so I suppose there can be no possible harm in repeating them to you. They are also the subject matter of heated oratory from every electorate in Australia, & are interpreted every way to suit the Pro's & Anti's in trow. To my mind there is only one way to read them. We must have conscription.

Our little newspaper controversy, after having lasted through two weeks shows signs of dying down. It was very fierce while it lasted, & its effects will be observable for many a day to come. I hope it will help in no matter how small a way to help the Cause. Nothing else matters, & the enmity of many of our bitterest opponents is a sweet treasure that has been my very own for all the years of my public life. I can't help it that I find myself out of touch with the majority of Catholics here on political questions. They are Labour & Anti's. I am National & Pro, & all the waters of Lethe will never wash out my spots. If we win this second referendum, the rift will be wider than ever, as the other side will be simply raving mad. You will know before you




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