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Membership is confined to those of Irish blood, but it is announced that people of other nationalities who are not enemy subjects may be admitted as honorary members. Clive Teece wrote to the papers yesterday to ask why was this unfair prejudice shown towards enemy subjects?

As Maurice O'Reilly says be cant belong to anything with my name on it, I am afraid I must deny myself the honour of offering myself for election for fear I should compel him to resign.

There is to be a dinner to Holman on Friday next to congratulate him on having been Premier of N.S.W. for five years & I believe there is a collection going on to present him with something towards paying his debts and giving him a fresh start. I haven't been approached yet but I suppose I will be. If he stops in office for less than two months more he will have broken George Reid's record for the longest continuous term. Parkes held the position for about twelve years in all, but of course not continually.

I sent Maurice some views of Andy Stuart, published last week on the subject of the enlistment of medical students. I now enclose some further correspondence which you can send on to Maurice when you have read it.

So the good old R.F.C. has gone! I am sorry, as you are, in spite of the "giddy harumfrodite" uniform you will henceforth wear. You must send me another photo of yourself when you first get into it.

Goodnight now, & God bless you. It is late, & Mother insists on my going to bed without further argument, as I have the beginning of a cold which she proposes to exorcise by various violent remedies. Frank will be in England soon after you get this letter.

Your loving father
Thomas Hughes.


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