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There we were just starting the months work and suddenly they were taking away the only RE8 instructor. The C.O. protested and fought over the telephone and the Colonel said he would come over the next day to talk it over. The C.O. was awfully upset and worried and needless to say I was in the same state of mind. I felt very upset and the C.O. & Pethybridge & I had a long talk about it. We all agreed that it was a conspiracy to upset the whole squadron. I knew of the jealousy with which the others regarded us and had warned the C.O. that the next move could be sending me away from the squadron. He is such a nice chap that he cannot suspect others of playing dirty games and at the time I warned him – over a month ago – he would not believe me. So this latest move was hardly an unforseen event for me though it was for the C.O.

Next day the Colonel came and he and the C.O. had a long and very straight talk. The C.O. protested against my being taken away but the Colonel said that I was badly needed at 38 squadron to instruct on Bristol Fighters. In vain the C.O. protested that I was an artillery pilot and an expert on RE80, a machine of which I had made a special study. He told the Colonel that I did not wish to change to fighters or to leave my own particular job that I had specialised in.

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