Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 42

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[Page 42]


he had flown the machine for some hours & got to know at least some of its peculiarities. With great difficulty I got him to agree, but the next day he did'nt fly the machine at all and that evening said he would take one of my pupils up for dual instruction. I put my foot down hard & told him that the sooner he understood that he was'nt going to interfere with my pupils the better. So he said he would take up another pupil who was waiting for instruction. So I saw that I could'nt do anything else to prevent stop him except go to the C.O. I hated going to the C.O. & telling tales but I knew it was my duty to prevent this blighter giving instruction to some wretched pupil when he himself had only just flown the machine. So I told the C.O. exactly what I thought about it and found that he was under the impression that Elliot had flown the machine before as Elliot had told him. So I told him quite plainly that Elliot had done exactly ten minutes in the machine and that he must stop him from instructing until he had done more. So the C.O. told Elliott that he was not to instruct until until he 

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