Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 8

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April 10th March

My own Darling Mother & Father,

Since I last wrote – on the 2nd – I have been in the wars in minor ways! To start of, the night I wrote my last letter I went to bed very late & woke up about 4 am feeling very sick and acted likewise! I dont know what upset me but anyway I spent the next day in bed and was up and about as gay as a lark the following day & have felt quite well since then. The other item in my small wars was when a fellow instructor accidentally threw a lighted cigarette into my right eye! We managed to dig most of the ash out of my eye with a handkerchief, but one bit stuck obstinately & eventually the doctor had to scrape it off after chilling it with cocaine. It was pretty painfull for a while and was very inflamed for a day or two but is perfectly all right now.

We are now in the second week of April & this is alleged to be spring! The weather is too awful for words. The last two days it has been blowing a howling gale and there are frequent blizzards of


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