Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 173

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[Page 173]


satisfactory. The other day we broke the record of flying for one day for the Squadron.

After working hours I am having lots of fun and enjoying life immenseley. Last Thursday afternoon I went out shooting and shot my first partridge, which I am to eat at dinner with the Vidals tomorrow night. On Saturday I dined with the Harrisons (of the Harrison Line of Steamers). On Sunday, which was a holiday, I had lunch & supper with the Vidals at Barnsley Rectory. It was great fun & I insisted on washing up the tea things! On Monday night we went to dinner at Wickham-Musgraves & had great fun dancing & playing games. On Tuesday night a crowd of us went to the Vidals for another merry evening party. To day the Vidals came up to tea with us at the aerodrome. By judiciously bribeing the chef I managed to get a wonderful afternoon tea.

So you can see that I am having a very very bright time and you can imagine how I appreciate it. It is lovely to get a little touch of civilised life after so much time living in messes.

I heard from dear old Maurice today – he is hoping to get transferred nearer London soon when I will be able to see him. His leg is getting along


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