Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 165

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week to be a typist at the Air Board Office. The other girl whom I have not met is driving an R.F.C. car at Salisbury Plain. They have a quaint old house in a wild little bit of garden. After lunch on Sunday we just yarned till tea time and then I think they were rather surprised to find that I could make myself useful at clearing up the tea things etc. They are not very well off I imagine & have just one maid who had a holiday on Sunday so of course I gave them a hand with the tea things. It was really rather amusing. Altogether it was great fun. I enjoyed it all so much because there was just that air of naturalness and homeliness about the whole thing that I have ever missed since I left my own dear little fat home. Next Friday there is another dance like the last one and I am looking forward to it so much. On Thursday afternoon I am going out shooting if I can manage to borrow a gun.

So you see that in spite of my gloomy expectations I have found something here that I had at none of my other stations and ought to have a really good time.

As far as work is concerned that too is shaping better. I have the Bristol Fighter flight and actually at the


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