Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 145

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26th September 7

My dear Geoffrey

We got such a welcome bundle of letters from you by last American mail – three dated 27th & 31st July, and 5th August. We hadn't heard for weeks & then they all came together and I need not tell you how welcome they were. The last of them had the account of your promotion, & of how decent the O.C. and all the other fellows were about it, & how you were to have been removed to another training ground only for the very vigorous protests of the O.C. All this means that you are a good man at your work as everyone says you are, & it only makes your mother & father more proud of you than ever. 

Your account of the wedding of Eileen Toohey amused us. You seem to think Leon Lyons a decent sort of fellow, & we are very glad to hear it as Eileen must be more than a little spoilt, and it will take some tact & management on his part to get along happily with such a very self willed little lady. Poor old Mrs. Toohey must be relieved beyond words to have finished with all her step-children, & to be able to sit down & rest after many years of strenuous toil. We told Miss Egan all about the marriage ceremony, & Mother read her a good part of your letter on the subject. She had heard nothing from any of her own people up to that time, & was very glad to get the news. She is still working away at the Red Cross clothing depot. 

By the way I heard an amusing story from old Shine today. There have been no honours announced in Australia yet in connection with the new Order of the British Empire, which has been


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