Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 144

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[Page 144]


of one's ideas only makes one all the keener to make a "do" of the thing. I can see some fun ahead as I am up against something more than the difficulties I had before, as at Croydon & Oxford I at least had most sympathetic encouragement from my C.O. I am quite convinced that if only I am given a fair run I will show them that proper instruction on the REs will produce an amazing difference in the class of pilot turned out eventually on fighters.

I havn't very much more news that I can think of. Old Maurice is getting on well and will be sent to England early next month. We had hopes that he would be over last week but it was postponed – not on account of any relapse or anything of that sort.

I have to be up at 5.30 in the morning if it is fine so I must go to bed now or there will be no wakeing me.

God ever bless you my darling Mother & Father. Tons of love to you, Eileen & the darling little boy

from your ever loving

P.S. I have forgotten to number my last few letters so I will start again with this as No 1.



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