Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 56

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[Page 56]


We got one snap in your letter taken while you were flying & two that Cicely sent taken at Croydon. They are quite clear & nice & I dont think you look so fat as you say you are. The one taken in the air is hardly a portrait but it is very interesting. I am sending you some cuttings about Snow your Flight Commander & also some about air fighting & the last big raid to let you see how these things appear in our papers – I wish & pray this awful war may end soon.  Cranbrook has been offered as a home for the G.G, that is the Federal Government is asked to buy the house & four acres of land. The remainder is to be cut-up in ½ acre blocks & a new road will be run down on the far side of the house to near Weemagh


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