Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 299

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as if nothing had ever happened between us. The other guests in the hotel have been highly amused.

The whole house here has been stuffed with Holy Romans lately. There are the Meaghers, & there were the James Daltons in great force, & the Mick Daltons, & any quantity of others.

The new Governor, Sir Walter Davidson, arrived a couple of days ago. I went to his swearing-in, but had no opportunity of speaking to him. His first speech in reply to a formal welcome by Holman was distinctly amusing to those behind the scenes. He said, amongst other things, that his counsel & advice would always be at the disposal of his ministers, when asked for!!

Clearly he has been carefully instructed not to proffer advice unsought, & so to avoid the fate of his predecessor. In view of all this sort of thing I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the days of English Governors of Australian States are coming shortly to a close. If they are only to be feeble "rubber stamps" in future, they will soon become too dear at the price we pay for them.

Mother & I keep drifting on here, simply because home would be very lonely without you all, & I think the surf bathing is doing us both good. I have certainly taken a reef of several inches in my belt since I have been here!

Bess & Barbara were here on Sunday, & Barbara had her first surfing. She enjoyed it immensely, so now the emancipation of La Famiglia Mullini is complete.

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