Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 291

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[Page 291]


spent a lot of time on my machine gun as I do not want it to let me down at the time I may most need it. I always strip it myself and have polished up all the parts till it works like mad. I suppose I have fired more rounds through it than have been fired by any other two pilots guns in the squadron and I have only had four stoppages which were all due to faulty ammunition. I am a great believer in nursing my gun and I know it must repay all the trouble taken, for it reduces stoppages to a minimum. 

Claye, who is my observer, is very good at looking after his gun and it also works beautifully. I am very pleased with him – he promises to be a fine & reliable observer. Of course the real test will come when we have a proper scrap. The last three days have been fine but very cold &


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