Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 283

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[Page 283]


yesterday I had a visit from him to say that he had got his discharge from the army, & that he wanted about £15 for a civilian outfit which he had ordered at David Jones's, & finally that he was going to be married on Monday next. I had heard a rumour of something of the kind, so I wasn't as astonished as I otherwise would have been. I didn't get in the least angry, but I firmly pointed out to him that to say the least of it it was unusual to marry on nothing a year, to which he replied that he had been granted an allowance of 30/- a week for six months, & that there was some £57 back pay due to him, & that in any event he had arranged to get married on Monday whatever happened. I think I told you before that for the past year or so he had been making an allotment to me of part of his pay for the benefit of his mother, brother (Aubrey), & sisters. I never used this money, but kept it to help to give him a fresh start on his return, so that I had about £120 for him, & like a fool I told him I had some though I did not tell him how much. Already, after


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