Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 259

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[Page 259]


be able to get really good combination and team work. At present it seems probable that I will be the senior flight-commander which is a great consideration as it gives priority in such matters as leave & being sent back to England. So looking at everything as sensibly as I can, I really do think that it is very fortunate that I should get such good conditions under which to go out. I do not think I would ever be likely to strike similar conditions again.

The Wing Commander here now is Colonel Carthew who was my Colonel when I left France. He asked me the other day what you would say to my going out with 62 as he knew the reason why I came back from France. I told him I was cabling to tell you and had written last October explaining the situation, and that I thought you would agree with me that it were better to go out now. Of course it was not he who sent me here but the higher authorities.

My darling Mummy & Daddy, I hope I have made everything clear to you and that you can understand the whole business. I dont want you to think that I want to go out now or any other time, because I really do not. I have only tried to face the facts and do what is likely to be best in the end. Do not think that I have tried to paint everything in the rosiest colours just to cheer you up – I fully realise that there will be dangers to face and risks to run, but I do really think that the experience I have had gives me a better chance than most and I know that this time I will not be flying a "dud" machine.


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