Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 253

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[Page 253]


Two machines had forced landed and two were missing. I waited on till 6.30 & sent telegrams to various authorities & then biked back to the Rectory.

Wednesday was fine & Segrave picked me up in his car & took me to the aerodrome. It was foggy at Lilbourne so we did not start. He went off in his car to Barnsley for lunch but I stayed at the aerodrome. He promised to come back at 4 & take me out to Barnsley but never turned up – the car wouldn't start. I did more telegraphing all over the place & at last heard of my missing Bristol – it was crashed at Weston Super Mare & no one hurt!! Eventually I got back to the Rectory at 9 pm by sidecar.

Thursday & Friday were hopelessly "dud" & I was getting very restless & upset. I wanted to push on and get some machines at any rate to Lilbourne. S was apparently quite happy at Barnsley Park – he seems to have been the only person in the squadron who really enjoyed the trip. Mrs Vidal was awfully good to me but I was far too worried about the squadron's débacle to be able to enjoy myself. Six of the 15 machines had reached Rendcomb – the rest were scattered in the fields of England – and we still had 70 miles to go!

On Saturday about midday Davis started off with his three machines, & Segrave, Glanville, & I left on the 3 Bristols


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