Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 221

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[Page 221]

them and how it brightens up the house for you. It seems so strange to think that you are having nice warm bright summer days now, when over here everything is bare and cold. This is rather a mild place in winter I believe and not nearly as cold as up north. 

Did I tell you that we have been told that this squadron is to move to Rendcomb on December 22nd? I hope the move does come off as it will be splendid if we get back to Rendcomb for Christmas.

I hav'nt any more news at present so I will say good bye for a while. God ever bless you, my darling Mother & Father. All my love to you Eileen, Peter and all the family.

Your ever loving


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