Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 193

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[Page 193]


& which is so full of memories of you both. Of course sentiment does not weigh in law, but when I know there is no money available for resumptions I can put up quite a healthy bluff about any reinstatement proposal.

At the same time I cannot conceal from myself the fact that when the Cranbrook land is sold, the buyers will start an agitation sooner or later for the removal of the sharp angle at the corner of our lawn, so that I am prepared to give something to side step any threatened agitation by consenting to the corner being cut off or rounded off like this: –

[See image for sketch of road widening.]

It would really make very little difference to us, as that corner is mostly steep bank below the fence of the lawn, & the level of the lawn would be far above the new roadway, so that anyone making the road would have to build a big retaining wall to hold our lawn up, & this would give us just as much privacy as we have at present.

The result would be to utterly kill any movement for the resumption of our place, which would cost the resuming authorities more thousands than my suggestion would cost hundreds of pounds. What do you


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