Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 382

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[Page 382]


it shows how hard the poor man is working for popularity. It is strange to note that it is now more than a year since the Stricklands left Sydney, & more than two years since you & Brendan & Maurice went off on the Great Adventure.

Wednesday 10th April.
This has been a most busy day with no time to go & gather news, so I am afraid a rather dull letter must go as it is. Teddy Campbell was in town this morning & said he had written to you direct with his congratulations. His boy Elwyn (aged 18) left Riverview last year & entered a Surveyor's office but failing to pass his Matric he has gone back to Riverview for another year.

Here I am writing all sorts of rubbish and all the time thinking only of one thing – of you & what you are doing over at the Front. Things have not been too good there lately, but the papers here are filled with lies & nonsense that a ten year old boy would not believe. Please God it will all come out right but there is a lot of hard work yet to be done before we can say we have got the best of the beastly Hun. I feel very anxious about the Italian campaign, & the things I say about America as a "hot air" merchant are quite unfit for publication. Heaps of love to you, my dear dear boy, & may God ever bless & guard you.

Your loving father
Thomas Hughes.


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