Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 371

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[Page 371]

Recd by G.F.H.

26 Hunter St. Sydney
4th April 1918.

My dear Geoffrey

I have already posted you a letter by this mail with all the news of the village. This is to cover a bank draft for £6:13:4, your Australia Hotel Dividend. I am also enclosing various letters which I have grabbed hurriedly, & am shoving into this envelope. The band in the street outside my office has just begun to play "La Paloma" with all its dear memories of you & Roger & Mother in that first day of ours in Europe seven years ago almost to the very day, – No, it was on the 4th of March, not April. On this day we were together at Danieli's in Venice.

Your long & most interesting letter of 6th February reached us last week, & we were greatly impressed at your dignity as transport officer. All the same it seems to have been a rotten job, & you had more than your share of hard work both then & afterwards on your way up to the Front.

There is great work in Sydney this week, the last for a forty million war loan, & an imitation tank is parading the streets. A few years ago one wd. have been thought mad if he said 40 million could be raised at one time in Australia, but the money will be subscribed all right. Oh that we could get reinforcements for our troops as easily!  The Devil & all his angels are far too strong in this country.

Goodbye & God bless you & keep you safe.

Your loving father
Thomas Hughes


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