Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 370

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Evie Keenan has now drawn every penny of more than a hundred pounds I had saved up for him, & he is off my hands. He will have to support himself & his wife by getting some work now that he has been discharged from the army as medically unfit.

Last week Mother & I went to the Ritz at Leura for the four days of the Easter holidays, & we came back home on Easter Monday afternoon. Peter is growing more charming every day, & can say a number of little words, & he seems to know everything you say to him. There was a great competition between the two grandfathers but I won, as you used to say. At the same time I used to try to exercise the greatest care to prevent Old Man Maher, as dear Roger used to call him, getting jealous.

We met Archie Stuart up there, & he asked to be specially remembered to you. He got one of his lungs affected at Lemnos, & has been living in the Mountains for the past year, but he seems all right now, & was "doing a line" with Irene Smith, sister of Laurence Godfrey Smith. A.B. Triggs wrote today asking also to be remembered to you.

My last letter to you was dated 12th March. There has been no mail since, until tomorrow.

God bless you, my darling boy, & keep you safe from all harm.

Your loving father
Thomas Hughes

I shall not forget the M.C. on the envelope.

We telephoned the news on your Military Cross to Fr. Gartlan on the day of the Riverview Regatta, & he went straight into the Refectory & announced it amid great cheering!


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