Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 361

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[Page 361]


that is our dearest & only wish now. Nothing else seems to matter very much. I had a nice long letter from Auntie Mary. She says she will not relax her efforts to get you back as soon as possible so we hope before long you will be sent over again for a good while.  I am sending you some iced fruit cake, Chocolate & sugar by this mail & boiled sweets: I hope the parcels reach you safely. I am also sending some tinned butter. If it is too salt just wash it in water, well. Cable for anything you want & I can send it to a soldier. We have been very anxious about this hun drive. They seem terribly strong yet. I keep hoping there will be no fighting near Heilly It keeps me awake at night thinking


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