Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 343

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[Page 343]


such a colassal effort would be the greatest victory for us. For it is only too obvious that it is Germany's great gamble against time staking everything for decisive victory before America can put her full weight into the war. This first gigantic battle is only the beginning & it will go on for months but I do feel confident about it all. I have seen the country evacuated by the Hun that across which he is now pushing us back, and his own very frightfullness is recoiling on his own head, – the devastation he wrought to hold up our advance will hold up his own. These are critical days – the worst trial of all for us – and I feel restless even being here on leave for a few days. I will be glad to go back to it & try to do my little bit in the greatest battle of history. Honestly I feel that I would not be out of it for anything, for now is the moment when every single one counts and every available man should be there. I hope to Heaven that this will bring some of the slackers to their senses but I doubt it very much. I wish God would give them the grace to see what curs & swine they are, for if they could only realise it and see what men are facing today – men who have been through all the other horrors & have been patched up & sent back time after time to fill the gaps left by the slackers – perhaps even their cowardly & selfish imaginations would


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