Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 306

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[Page 306]


pouring from the machine and then fell into a "spin" & went hurtling down. I circled round & watched him go down with his machine falling to pieces till he finally crashed just behind the Hun front line. Strangely enough my first hun fell within a few hundred yards of the place where poor old Bert Norris must have been killed, so there is a certain grim justice in it! Of course the pilot & observer must have been killed. I'm afraid this account must sound cold blooded, but after all I've got a job to do & war is a cold blooded business at any time – a Hun shot down is a job accomplished. We finished our patrol after another ¾ of an hour and returned to the aerodrome feeling very bucked with ourselves. My observer never got a chance to shoot as I did it all with


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