Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 506

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[Page 506]


job, I believe, as one lives on the Wing staff and the duties include everything connected with instruction in the squadrons under the Wing. One has a machine of one's own for use in testing all the instructors & pupils. There is none of the very trying elementary work & theoretically at least one changes from a harassed instructor to a person whose duty it is to keep the poor instructors up to scratch! So you can imagine I felt very joyful at the prospect at first. I came back here last night and started in on the work in hand this morning. At present the position is this. Area say they want me as a Wing E.O. – I am a Gosport IA man & having told me they are taking me they will inform Group of their intention who will inform Wing who will tell me to go. So officially Wing & probably Group are ignorant of the impending move. 

Colonel Martyn the Wing Commander was here today and asked me what Area had wanted to interview me about, so I told him. He wasn't a bit pleased & said he would strongly oppose their taking me away as I was wanted here and


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