Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 478

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this morning's Telegraph about an entertainment got up for the Italian Day yesterday by Mrs. Bertie Kelly, who with all her cleverness loves the limelight, & can't keep far away from it at any time.

Our Australian Labour Party has at last declared itself & publicly against recruiting for military service outside Australia! – and for peace by negotiation!! – One would think that Lenin & Trotsky, & all the other ruffians, had never existed, & that our own dear innocent Labourites were going to alter the face of the earth by merely crying "Peace" when there is no peace. Fortunately not even the Labour Party are unanimous on the question. This is of course a great advance on the road to ruin, because at first the officials of the party opposed conscription – now they oppose voluntary recruiting. It doesn't matter very much, as recruiting is now very fair, fired by the example of Carmichael who went off the other day with his "Second Thousand". I take off my hat to Carmichael. As a politician I disliked him. As a man, I wish we had more like him. The Labour crowd, to which he belongs, will have his scalp yet, but just for the moment like dingoes they are afraid to bite.

Mother was rather seedy for a few days with what looked like a touch of ptomaine poisoning. It made her very sick for a time, & then she was somewhat rocky for some days afterwards. Thank God, however,


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