Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 454

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honour, was it? I think that in his place I should have replied as another man, that I once knew, did: "The honour of serving my King & country is sufficient reward for me!" But then you know that might have blocked the Knighthood that may yet come his way. There were a few more low grade distinctions in the British Empire Order, but I am afraid those awards simply make the irreverent scoff, & the judicious grieve.

Mrs. Williams (formerly Gypsy Burns, & daughter of Sir James) is going to England, & asked us for your address. We gave the Bank as the only one we had. She is a very good sort, & if she writes to you, don't fail to look her up. Her husband has been in the R.N. Air Service, but I believe he has now got back to a ship job. Anyhow you will like her.

If you are stationed in London, do look up some fellows I know, who will only be too glad to be decent to you. The Griffins' address is 3 Edgehill, Wimbledon, & you can get them on the telephone. Charlie Griffin has been killed, but the two Toms (father & son) are still doing war work somewhere. The father was a Captain in the R.A.M.C. [Royal Army Medical Corps] at Malta for a while, but I think he is in England now. Mrs. Griffin I knew in my old days in Paris before she married. She was a Miss O'Connor (American, resident in Paris). George Gerard (formerly Pfachler) would also be delighted to see you. I forget for


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