Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 444

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[Page 444]


Eventually I left on the evening of the 17th & the C.O. very kindly sent me to the coast in his car, Claye came with me & we had a farewell dinner together. I could not help feeling very keenly the parting from the dear old squadron, for really I had a grand time there. I loved every minute of it for we had real work to do and we had a name for doing it well. I am so sorry for poor old Claye – now the only one of the original 'B' flight left – for it is hard that he, who has always been with me, should now have to go to a young pilot. It was the very best flight I have ever been in and it was my own little show. The men were splendid and I never had any trouble for our machines were always kept in the very pink of condition and were always ready to the minute for any show.

My own old machine as still going as well as any & it was the only one left of those we brought out from England. My fitter & rigger were so proud of it and worked on it day &


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