Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 390

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When I got back I found that of my original lot that came out with me, the only ones left were Claye & myself, Robinson & Wells. Now Wells has gone to hospital with pleurisy, poor chap, & so I have lost one of my best observers. Of those two pilots & observers I lost in the great fight I have bad news through Margaret who is now working at the Prisoners of War Committee. Wells & his observer Crammond are safe, & so is Watson but his pilot Allen is killed. All our "missing" up to the time I went on leave are now accounted for, and only three of them are killed – all the others are prisoners. So really we have been very lucky indeed. I am very sorry about young Allen being killed – he was a fine lad. Really my original flight were a magnificent lot of chaps – not a single one that I would have wished to change. However my new lads seem to be splendid too


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