Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 389

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[Page 389]

No 19

France 14-4-18

My own darling old Mother & Father,

Since I came back from leave I have been pretty busy though the weather has been mostly unfit for flying.

As I expected, I found many new faces and some old ones missing. Our chaps had a very rough time while I was on leave. Nearly all the time they were doing low flying firing thousands of rounds at the roads packed with Hun troops. They did wonderful work and as a result there are now three more M.C.'s & a M.M. in the squadron. The M.C's are Purdom (O.C. "C" flight) Staton & Gordon (an Australian). Of course they were all subject to intense fire from the ground when flying low and there were several casualties. James (my senior pilot) & Hay his observer are missing and some more of my pilots were wounded.


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