Series 01 Part 02: Hughes family correspondence, 3 April 1917-22 September 1918 - Page 387

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[Page 387]


& the Govt pays 4½%. It seems to be going with a swing & Sydney is a long way ahead of Melbourne. Today is the last day for subscribing. Carmichael is making a great appeal for recruits & will go back himself with them. He has really proved a brave & patriotic man.

I have not seen Constance for a couple of weeks. I am afraid she is rather feather headed. Joe & George both advise me not to have her here too much. Of course she will not like us as we have not been at all enthusiastic about her She seems to be very vain & silly & is staying with the Evistons who seem to be rather a vulgar crowd. The girl Evie married was a shop girl at Snows. She is not the one who drew his pay while


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