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are out to help them before you can expect to get good work. At present there is no keeness or pride in the work – everyone seems to accept as inevitable the bad reputation of the whole squadron – but I hope we will be able to pull them out of their groove and get them to be really proud of their work. Once they get infected by that feeling the squadron is made, for they will find that it is far pleasanter to work when results are good. I do hope it will be like my first flight in 17 T.S., which is, I am told, just as keen and efficient as ever. Of course I have all sorts of other little plans for getting the work to brighten up, but they all are with the same idea of making life interesting for the men. For one thing my new scheme of time on duty reduces to a minimum the number of journeys that have to be made from the aerodrome for meals, for during each "off" time every one can have two meals. It is tiring to have to walk or bicycle about three miles down & back to each meal, so my first object was


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