Volume 58: Sir George Macleay correspondence, 1848-1880: No. 580
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[Page 580]
[popul]ation of New Orleans which I believe is very considerable. I saw some very beautiful country while i was on this trip - hilly and magnificently woode[d] and a soil that would grow anything almost. However this soil is confined to the hill sides and a wide be[lt] on each side washed down from the hills no doubt - outside the belt you find yourself on "Pine ridge", a dry sandy plain covered with a long coarse grass, dotted all over with fire fir trees. These sometimes grow to a good size. All other vegetation on the pine ridge is very stunted, but these plains form a most charming feature of the country - and might be turned to good account. They extend nearly throughout the length of the Colony, and are as flat as a table forming in themselves almost a perfect road. I have left myself very little room I see. We are all doing well, especially the baby and my private work is increasing. I shall notwithstanding be ready at any moment to go to a place of greater general interest than this whe[re] there is positively nothing of interest excepting the country in itself - that you don't see in Belize. Best love from Madeleine and myself to you. Believe me yrs very affectionately
A. C. Onslow