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and it was the wonderful condition of these large plants which made me exclaim.  This is the proper work of transmitting Orchids!  I have mentioned what I want in so [indecipherable] a manner that it will be better to [indecipherable] in a distinct list wh. you will find in the last pages of this letter.  We have had a most extraordinary Spring & early Summer, bitter easterly winds & no rain.  Every thing in consequence has been very late, & as yet but half developed [indecipherable] flowers very poor, & those wh. are to succeed compensating blighted & [indecipherable], my place being in a valley with a stream running in the bottom is [indecipherable] affected than most of the [indecipherable] & looks in spite of [indecipherable] location

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green & beautiful.  I shall have a fair crop of Hay too, while in [indecipherable] plants there will be more.  Monetary affairs are not in a satisfactory state [indecipherable] one seems uneasy as to the time things will take in the East, I mean in Turkey.  The Turks except in the matter of numbers & quality of energy are in the same condition of [indecipherable].  I think they will [indecipherable] up & having unfortunately held able to [indecipherable] large sums of money in Europe which have held [indecipherable] the fashion of Barbarians, are hopelessly insolvent while they are involved in war with [indecipherable] populations.  After the old oriental  fashion being in these difficulties, they have strangled their Sultan, but no one of course believes in them generally.  Go they must from Europe & the question as to how this can & will be managed.  Every body
feels uneasy on the subject & very uneasy between them against

Current Status: 
Ready for review