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my collection now number about 300 gen. & spec.  I suppose that you have about double that number.  

We have had what I may call a tantalising winter, [indecipherable] of warm general sunny weather succeeded by intervals of intense cold, which but for snow wd. have played the mischief with our outdoor plants.  Monday last, two days ago, we had hard frost & snow 24 [?] inches deep.  Yesterday & today warm rains with intervals of sun & mist.  The Primroses are surging & my Peacocks screaming, but whether winter is over & Spring setting in who can say, I doubt it.  I do not write to Elizabeth as I promised because I have no letters from her.  It seems to me as I write that you may all think that I am absent from England, & because before I write to her I should like to hear that the quarrel

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