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Remember me kindly to young Veitch

35 Hyde Park Gardens
Oct. 25 1864

My dear William Macarthur

Some weeks before you receive this you will have had the great gratification, please God, of welcoming its old inhabitants back to Camden Park again.  Even now no doubt while I am writing there are within its influence and all looking forward to its comfort & pleasures rather than dwelling on those they have left behind, so that I congratulate them as heartily on their return as I do you.  I only wish that things generally round about give some a more smiling aspect but "che sara, sara" [sera].  They are visitations of Providence and perhaps bring them great good in their time.

Much as we naturally feel we trusted in the safe arrival of our dear friends, there is another member of our Family, as you will likely have heard from your Sister whose anxiety on this score

Sir William Macarthur

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