Volume 58: Sir George Macleay correspondence, 1848-1880: No. 300
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[Page 300]
I will feel obliged for a collection of your Australian Orchids save Kingianum which I have. Veitch gave away or sold without my authority the whole lot I had from you, & is trying to recoup now with European Terrestrial Orchids as he gets them. I shall never leave anything with him in future so please direct to me at Pendell Court. I shall be glad to try such of your Terrestrial Orchids as you can easily get at. Thelymitras particularly. I want also the Fringed Violet. I do not know any other plant [indecipherable] Dicksonias, and Gleichenias. What a long list of desiderata. I am ashamed. I have put up a good deal of glass, £600 it has cost me & have am going to put up more. I have not much room however for Hooker has been most liberal in his gifts