Volume 58: Sir George Macleay correspondence, 1848-1880: No. 181
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[Page 181]
Disraeli has resigned & that Gladstone reigns in his stead so far as any question now before the country or likely to come before it I do not think it much matters which of these two Rascals is at the helm, probably it is better that Gladstone should be there if the Conservatives are true to their creed & back him when he is disposed to resist the reforms of the more ardent radicals behind him. With peculiar mental idiosyncrasy [indecipherable] then very soon persuades himself that anything he undertakes is right, but for the rest of the House barring a few Roman Cs. & a certain number of Dissenters and all the [indecipherable] members by the way who now represent the Free Kirk & that only, they do not care one whit for the freedom of the Irish Church except so far as it has [indecipherable] the Conservatives. No man to whom