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Vesley [?] France
June 25th

My dear William Macarthur

We came hither 3 weeks ago to try the effect of the waters upon that gouty affection of my system wh. shows itself every now & then in attempts resembling lumbago.  We did not arrive a day too soon for tho I had been so well latterly in London as to make the visit to Vesley appear a matter of super exagerating within 12 hours this demon of lumbago or neuralgia or whatever else it is to be called had me in its clutches again & I have been as the youths say prostrated almost from that time to the present.  Vapor bathes I found did me much good.  What the ordinary mineral bathes may do for me I have yet to learn.  I have been throughout drinking at such a rate that my very tissues must have become alkaline & I shall not be able to get up a sour look ever for C.C. if he should come [indecipherable].

Sir William Macarthur, M.L.C.

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