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as I suggested with the Captain of the St. Osyth or any other of these fast sailing ships.  I must find this out & do [indecipherable] to them myself.  I shall have one case of your Orchids packed in [indecipherable], for I must here tell you that nothing could exceed the admirable conditions in which your two cases of Crimson Amaryllis tree ferns, Doryanthes &c. came to hand.  My single plant & bulb as healthy & fresh as if just taken from the Camden garden, saw dust far less, but coir dust is if any thing better.  I will try a case of each I think for you.  I am an [indecipherable] & now that I find things can be sent over in [indecipherable] order, I must [indecipherable] Telopeas [indecipherable] & all kinds of pretty Proteas.

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Ready for review