Volume 58: Sir George Macleay correspondence, 1848-1880: No. 259
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[Page 259]
emphatically but might [indecipherable] plan, writes me word that he has been in communication with you so I hope that you may be able to get what you want from his brother Gs. I have prospects of Orchids from Darjeeling, Burmah and Cape Coast, not to forget Ceylon. Did Sam tell you by the way that one of the prettiest things I saw there was the "Antigonan". Its rosy masses of flowers ae simply lovely. So William Macleay is going to New Guinea. I very strongly disapprove of Arthurs going with him & trust that he will "take the [indecipherable]" yet, for my own part if I had had [indecipherable] I wd. almost have gone out again to the S. Hemisphere, to have joined the expedition. It will be very interesting. I [indecipherable] rejoice to hear that you are sending Teddy. The orchid [indecipherable] of the Australian type is more interesting than pretty I am afraid.
Goodbye & God bless you.
Yrs affy.
Geo: Macleay
Did I tell you that I am a K.C.M.G.