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I propose to add a codicil to my will in case of the marriage which would supersede the necessity for this if such an arrangement.  And now my dear friend, let me tell you that I think that you are quite right in attending to these very important & necessary matters & let me further say that for the very good & sufficient reasons one gives for the delay I am not sorry that it has taken place more especially as you & dear Mrs. Macarthur have taken Arthur under your roof, where I feel he has a better chance of complete recovery than anywhere else.  If we were astonished after the dismal reports we read from Malta at his coming round so soon then, under his Aunts care, we have or rather I should say I, for my wife never gave up hope have been still more impressed at the extraordinary recuperative powers Arthur has shown after this seemed a far worse attack.  He must have a wonderful constitution & I really begin to think now, that is if he will take care of himself, that he will live to come into possession of Elizabeth Bay.  My own health is pretty good just now here at Malta.  I must have mentioned I had a frightful attack of neuralgia in the small of the back, which came on again tho less severely in Vichy in France.  That affliction I find I can keep in check by wearing a [indecipherable] belt, and let me advise you, if you or any of your friends suffer from any 

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